I've been starting to build my habit of reading books for 3 months now. One book I was reading was New Sales. Simplified. It's about sales that focuses on getting new business or clients. Here a concept called Power Statement is introduced, and I think it is also useful to our roles as data professionals and those who do software as a service.
What is a Power Statement?
The Power Statement is a brief description or pitch of what you solve, what you offer, and what differentiates you from the others. This is not as brief as those elevator pitches but rather a concise package that can get your clients' or stakeholders' attention and engagement. But remember that the Power Statement is a Customer-centric approach. It must always revolve around how can you provide value to the client not what you're achievements and prestige are.
The Power Statement has 4 sections. The very very quick introduction. The problem-solved section, the Offer section, and the Differentiator section. So let's quickly discuss what should be in this section.
Introduction: Just a brief intro of your name or company name and what kind of business or service you are
Problem-Solved: Problems that you solved through your expertise. The best is to highlight and summarize on a bulleted the most common special and unique cases you encountered
Offers: The Exact bulleted Service you offer
Differentiator: What benefit can the client get if they work with you, what are you more proficient with compared to the competition?
Here is an Example:
No Code Solutions(NCS) is a premier data solutions provider in the Philippines. We work with Small to Medium Business owners, Operational Managers, and Sales Executives to deliver effective and efficient data management and automation solutions.
Management looks to NCS when:
Frustrated with unutilized data initiatives placed for a long time now
No visibility with KPIs and important data
Lots of Manual and Repetitive business processes
Employees need to be knowledgeable about data initiatives
etc...( As long you can hit cases usually needed by the team)
SQL Query, Tableau, Alteryx, Excel, Power Automate Lessons
Automated Reporting
Dashboards for KPIs
Data Warehousing
Automated Data pipelines
Data initiatives troubleshooting and consultation
Business Process automation
NCS Continues to dominate the data solutions market because we are pioneers in this line of work:
We are a true End to End solution provider, catering service on all parts of the data journey
Provide Call and On-site Support. Fast and effective
Provide a working data solution guarantee or your money back
We have professionals who are tenured and Certified on the platform they work in making sure that you have the most robust and on-point solution you can have
Our clients don't leave us, and the very few that did came back
How can we incorporate it into the Data Field and make it a Power Pack?
So first what is a powerpack? It is the integration of the power statement into a pack or presentation. You just have to structure the presentation as a power statement. Like this:
a. Headline introduction with a picture of the logo and team(BRIEF)
b. Problems addressed with pictured sample use case(LONGEST PART)
c. Offerings with specific platforms associated with it (SAP, Salesforce, Medalia Etc.) (AVERAGE FOCUS)
d. Differentiators shows usually the base competency or certifications of the team to establish a sense of trust (LEAST FOCUS)
e. Then jump onto engagement and their response on how they relate to the presentation (MOST IMPORTANT PART)
Why use the Power Statement in the Data field?
We all know that more frequently than not there are communication barriers that slow down our work and possible innovations we can think of. It stems from being us working in a specific software or platform and then our stakeholders working in an entirely different world. May it be with regard to business jargon, concepts, methodology, and even beliefs.
However, with the incorporation of the power statement, we can effectively communicate the capabilities and services while giving the client or stakeholder examples to relate to and open up on pain points similar or related to what is presented.
All in all any data solution cannot be completed properly without great communication. If we don't want extra work, missed value, lost opportunity, and backward innovation this is one portion we surely don't want to take for granted